- Tzu-Lung Chen and Man-Chun Hsu got their Master degree
- 陳子龍,徐嫚君完成碩士學位
- Using our latest developed mobile PCR diagnostic kit to help shrimp farms preventing from infectious diseases
- 開發行動 PCR 檢測系統,出差服務養蝦漁民
- Celebrating 80th birthday of Dr. Yee-Hsiung Chen, National chair professorship
- 慶祝陳義雄國家講座八十大壽
- Alumni of Hanjia's Lab reunion
- Hanjia's lab 畢業校友相約來訪

- Tzu-Lung Chen granted the best studunt thesis award from Ocean Affairs Council
- 陳子龍論文獲得海委會專題研究計畫優等,接受海委會主委表揚
- Invited lecture at Chang Gung University
- 獲邀在長庚大學三創學程演講
- Participating Agricultural Trands Forum at National Chiao Tung University as a invited speaker
- 參加在交通大學主辦之農業趨勢論壇,獲邀發表演說

- Learning how to drive a yacht
- 開始學習開船
- Training Taiwanese contestants for the 32ed International Biology Olympiad
- 協助考選與培育生物奧林匹亞國手
- Local covid-19 outbreak, laboratory works restricted
- 台灣本土 covid-19 疫情爆發,實驗室人員進出受到管制

- Pandemic of Covid-19 was controlled. Visting ZhuBei slightseeing fishery farm with Dr. I Chiu Liao, Academician of Academia Sinica
- 疫情漸受控制,與廖院士一同參訪竹北水月休閒觀光漁場
- Ju-Yi Mao got his Ph.D degree
- 毛儒毅取得博士學位

- Visiting Prof. Chu-Fong Lo's International Center for the Scientific Development of Shrimp Aquaculture with Dr. I Chiu Liao
- 與廖院士一同拜訪羅竹芳老師草蝦研究中心
- Taiwan Tiger Prawn Reaissance movement started
- 開始推動台灣草蝦復興運動
- Taipei Biotech Award Bronze medol granted
- 獲得台北生技獎
- Participating "2030 Vision: Marine Biotech Forum" as an invited speaker
- 參加 2030 願景:海洋生物科技論壇,獲邀發表演講
- Our first shrimp aquaculture book published
- 第一本養蝦專書出版

- Lab manager, Man-Chun Hsu, left the post. Yu-Chen Liu suceeded the position.
- 實驗室助理徐嫚君離職,劉于禎接任
- Participating the Annual Conference of Taiwan Marine Biotechnology Society. Xin-Wei Lin won the best poster prize in the master student's group.
- 參加海洋生物技術學會年會,林信維獲得壁報論文碩士組第一名
- Invited as a speaker in the second Marine Aquaculture Technology Forum
- 參加漁業展,獲邀在第二屆海水養殖論壇發表演說
- Appointed as Distiguished Professor of National Taiwan Ocean University
- 獲頒海洋大學特聘教授
- Get the licence as a yacht captain
- 考取遊艇駕照